Keeping Organized With Mindmeister

A project like this must stay organized if it’s going to be successful. We — Chris and Chrystall — have been using a free Web tool from Mindmeister called a “mind map,” which lets us see and share what’s going on with our project. So far, we’ve been mainly using it to keep track of sources, but we’ll also be using it to keep track of our content and ideas for presentation.

We’ve broken it down by broad topic on the left and by place on the right.


Favorite things about the mind map:

1. We can both edit at the same time
2. We can keep up-to-the-minute organized (makes the question: “what’s next?” a lot easier to answer)
3. We can add notes to each of the items you see on the map; includes details about people, even links or attached files
4. It’s very visual: We can move the components around, change colors and sizes, see what connects to what else, and see where the thin spots of our project are
5. It’s free!